Tuesday, August 4, 2015

#WhiteOpinionsMatterMore @ICanBeHeard

So it turns out that I matter more than black people matter. More than any number of black people, actually. Yep. How do I know, she rhetorically asked? Because when racial injustice comes up, and people of color explain what’s going on, they’re told to calm down. To be rational. To be polite. Civil. To be careful because they’re sounding strident. Militant. That they’re being exploited by the media. Exploited by activists. Exploited by liberals. That everyone would listen to them except that they’re so angry, except when they don't act angry, in which case racial injustice is not a problem or they would be more upset.

When I explain what’s going on, with my limited ability to do so, I get none of that. I get defensive excuses, not offensive strategies. I get red herrings: what about violence against police? I get false equivalences: how dare [Some Progressive Somewhere] bring up gun control, that’s just like blaming earthquakes on abortion! (Note: the earthquake claim is real. Actually, they all are, but this one in particular sounds unbelievable.) I get ironically racist silencing strategies, like the demonstrably and obviously false claim that black people don't try to solve urban violence. I get tu quoques, which usually go along with the other fallacies; those are deflections, and thus defensive in nature. I get links to disingenuous apologetics which the respondent can’t even explain in their own words. Related to that, I get handed cherry-picked data, cut-and-pasted with zero understanding that information does not exist in a vacuum—or, more accurately, in the vain hope that *I* will not understand that and will shut up. I get the No True Scotsman. One of the most egregious examples of NTS in this context is summed up thusly: When a white person commits a horrible act, they’re just mentally ill (the unspoken followup being that when a black person commits a horrible act, they’re violent just like the rest of them.) In other words, they're not "really" white because they're irrational and brutal, and everyone knows that REAL white people are rational and sensitive.

I don’t get subjected to straw men on this topic. I don’t get ad hominems thrown at me. Those are aggressive fallacies. They won’t use words like riot and thug directly to me; those are dog whistles, and they instinctively know those won’t work outside their tribe(which itself tells me that they know the dog whistles represent rubbish arguments and racism.) They won’t use genetic/social fallacies against me; like the dog whistles, those are in-group code for “white superiority”.

In short, when someone who has actually lived and witnessed decades of systemic prejudice, disenfranchisement, abuse and outright murder speaks about it, they are dismissed as emotional and harangued. When I opine about it from my ultra-fucking-plush armchair, I get deference and dodges. And quite often, dead silence, because they don't know how to react outside of in-group reinforcement and out-group dismissal.

The apologists for racism accord me instant credibility on the topic based on my NOT knowing much of jack shit about it. And I am sick of it. I am sick of you asshole apologists. I don’t want your creepy fear of “infighting." I don’t share your need to put up a unified front against all the mean black people with their mean words, lest they spot weakness and get, you know, uppity—which, speaking of dog whistles, is what all those words I listed at the start really mean. It pisses me off when you treat my words about other people as being more important than their words about themselves because you think that intellectual authority is derived from skin color.

When you ignore minorities who try to tell you what’s going on, but you pay at least enough attention to me to duck and cover and prevaricate when I say the exact same thing, you force me to talk about race more, and I don’t know a damn thing about it. (However, I do know a lot more than you do about it.) You force me—us—to assume a false mantle of wisdom in order to ensure that something is said that you aren't emotionally able to dismiss out of hand. At least then you'll be uncomfortable rather than simply blithe.

When it comes to minorities of any flavor, the rule is, Listen, Don’t Talk. You make me violate that rule. Even writing this post is a continuation of that bullshit, and that pisses me off more. Stop talking and listen, because you’re making us both assholes. Presumably that is not the unified front you were shooting for.


"Indeed, a recent 2014 Stanford study indicates that just by telling white people about how many black people are incarcerated, I am causing them to want to put more, not less, black people in jail. There is a strong sentiment that we want these complainers out of sight, out of mind." - Peter Mosley